Belonging, Meaning, and Safety

If political parties provided what conspiracy theories do, maybe our parties would be stronger and more useful to our civic life.

Michael Slaby
3 min readApr 17, 2021

Originally published on 7 Bridges

Humans need community to survive — belonging is safety, and meaning is direction. Without either, community withers, and we die. While modern society has put all kinds of pressures on community, the pandemic has all but eliminated our weak ties (hopefully temporarily) and left all of us feeling to a greater or lessor degree at sea, untethered, alone, uncertain of our place in the world. Not only do we rely more on those weak ties than we typically think, they are often our bridges to other communities. We are suddenly more isolated and more likely to be subject to narrow sorting than ever subjecting us to incredible isolating forces and making us more likely to see others as threats — on top of struggling through a moment when other people might actually potentially be dangerous for public health reasons.

Conspiracy theories provide people with explanations for a big and an overwhelmingly complex modern life especially for people for whom the shifting foundations of American society and exploding inequality of the American economy have disrupted a formerly stable worldview. And they appeal not…



Michael Slaby

Media, technology, politics, and saving the world in various combinations — Chief Strategist at Harmony Labs— author of For ALL the People