A prelude to magic

Michael Slaby
1 min readJan 1, 2021


Humans are insufficient containers for magic. There’s nothing wrong with us: we have just always needed the strengthening, the tempering, the resilience learned from suffering and survival to prepare us for work with the divine. To be a conduit for creativity. To be in the presence of the eternal. To hold fire. To bring the great transformations of the universe to be.

2020 was uncertain, unexpected, and unrelenting. Cruel, heartbreaking, and both necessary and unnecessary. While we say goodbye on the calendar, it will spill its uncertainty and cruelty for too many into 2021. And for all of us changed by this past year (so for all of us), 2020 will remain in our new present, too, in the form new habits and new norms.

But what work has 2020 prepared us for? What awakening has begun? What magic is coming that we needed to be strong enough to carry? Humanity has all we need to look for a new direction in 2021, get beyond our tired momentum and onto a new trajectory. Perhaps a little magic, a little fire is all we need to begin.

Chop wood. Carry water. Magic is coming.



Michael Slaby

Media, technology, politics, and saving the world in various combinations — Chief Strategist at Harmony Labs— author of For ALL the People bit.ly/fatp-a